Friday, November 21, 2008

Friday thoughts

I was out at Pinewood Studios on Wednesday doing some final work in a grading theater - Brian kindly brought me a good cup of brewed coffee (it was around 11:30am and it was my fifth cup of brewed coffee) and it left me feeling very jittery! Consequently I've decided to cut down on the coffee and I only drank tea yesterday - I felt a lot better by the end of the day and I have a feeling I slept better. The problem is I like coffee so much!

Parallels version four is out and I installed it yesterday - very good, a bit faster on the screen handling and startup/close-down of the virtual machine (XP SP3 on Leopard) was a lot faster. Simon didn't find it so good though on his MacBook. It tried to convert the v.3 VM but it failed - however, re-creating a BootCamp VM is trivial.

Good TV - There seems to be a load of good tele at the moment - Lead Balloon (Jack Dee's sitcom) - currently BBC2 are showing season 3 (it used to be a BBC4 show). Outnumbered - BBC1's (again, from BBC4) is hilarious. Little Dorrit - the BBC does a superb job of Dickens again. Star Wars:Clone Wars the animated series - Cartoon Network are showing the latest itteration of that franchise. Mythbusters - fantastic family tele. The Shield - series 7 on FX is the best yet and very exciting.

10mBit broadband - I recently got upgraded and although Virgin Media are hopeless when things go wrong I'm loving being able to torrent an episode of something that aired in the US last night at 3 minutes per half-hour of TV!

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