Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Microsoft & Linux pt.2 - the piece I blogged recently (see here) was timely - Channel 9 (link in right-hand bar) have just run a feature on the Linux group within Microsoft. The half-hour video is very revealing. They have a very honest accessment of where Red Hat et al. are WRT Windows. I wonder if we're on the brink of Microsoft embrassing open source in the same way they did the Internet ten years ago. At the time that was characterised as a paradign shift rather than a logical progression and is probably why early server-vendors (typ. Novell) just aren't there any more - loosing even a year in adopting TCP/IP meant they lost all credibility very quickly. It's interesting that Microsoft have so far avoided loosing their business model in the face of change - they haven't (yet) "done an IBM/Wang/ICL (insert your favorite mainframe manufacturer of the 20th century here)".
Anyhow - with Ward Cunningham now working there anything could happen!
Oh, the Channel 9 piece is here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As you say an interesting video.. the comments on Channel9 are equally illuminating. Phil, I love your unbridled optimism :-) I'm looking forward to picking up my free opensource car next week..